A Mostly British Obsession

Where I Left Off on the Ferguson…

1955 Ferguson TO35

Since most of what I have left to do on the Ferguson is rattle-can painting, and it really should be dry and above 50 degrees to do so–and since we live in a hole with only an open carport on the north side of the building…well, it will be April before I can finish. But you can see above I got a lot done, and the machine looks 100% better. It doesn’t stand up to “concours” level inspection, but then again it will be bouncing around the field acquiring scratches and such. Hopefully I can avoid major incidents and keep up with a touch-up brush until I get tired of that.

All that remains, really, is to assemble and paint the hood.


  1. Jeff Forgrave

    Drive ‘er! Reminds me of our MF35 on which I learned to drive oh so many years ago. Brilliant.

  2. George Baxter

    Roger you to35 looks great! How much do you have in her? Can you email me?

  3. Roger

    I paid $3000 for the machine, which might have been a bit much, but there you are. I think last year’s work was maybe another $2500, including almost $1000 for new tires.


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