A Mostly British Obsession

Alaskan Pipers

Devoe Alaskan Flying

My friend Don De Voe, in addition to being a motorcycle enthusiast, flies a Piper PA-14 “Family Cruiser” around the wilds of Alaska. He has kindly given me permission to post a few photos taken over the years on his adventures. The captions and other information are straight from Don.

Devoe Alaskan Flying

Devoe Alaskan Flying

Above,”Paul and Heather and I flew up the Knik River Valley, hoping the weather would be better than it was in Anchorage. It was cool and breezy on Hood Strip. Up at Lake George it was calm, sunny, and, by our standards, fairly warm! – Lake George – March 24, 2008″

Devoe Alaskan Flying

Above: “Harris Bay Tide Flats – April 21, 2008”


  1. The Duthweilers

    The Family Cruiser was once a part of our family. We miss brushing snow off the wings in chilly weather, rushing to the airport to be sure she was safe and properly tied down during winds, and spending sunny afternoons touching up her paint rather than flying. We are always pleased to see the pictures Don sends to us from his adventures with the PA-14.

    Fred and Sue

  2. Mad Dog

    Stunning photo!

  3. Michael

    WOW, what beautiful pictures. I learned to fly in Kansas, many 25 yyears ago. Wish I had a freind to fly with, so we could explore.

    Best wishes, safe landings.

  4. Judy

    What great pictures. I had a Piper Super Cruiser, PA-12, many years ago. I haven’t flown in years but I still look up when I hear the sound of an engine overhead.


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