A Mostly British Obsession

Quarter Lights, Interior Strip, Same Darn Photo

1967 MGB GT

I really need a new pose for this car, but maneuvering room is limited at Jim’s place…I have the driver’s door mostly reassembled but I realize now I made an error which means I’ll be taking most of it back apart tomorrow. Nothing new there. The lights all have lenses now, which is something, I guess, and I got the seats out–most of the ratty old carpet is gone.

Interestingly, there was a 1″ set of shims under the driver’s seat, which suggests a short driver or an attempt at not buying a new seat base cushion. I have my new covers here, but I’m going to have to buy new foams and diaphragms before I can reupholster the seats.


  1. chuck goolsbee

    Lancia Zagato behind?

  2. Brent

    Previous blog entry identified it as a Lancia Fulvia GT Zagato, c. 1972, or thereabouts.

  3. Allie

    Will be done in time to go to the ice cream parlor before the summer is over??? :) :) :)


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