A Mostly British Obsession

Front Carpets, Headliner

New carpets

Despite the fact that I last worked on the car Tuesday and then spent Tuesday evening being hauled by ambulance 25 miles to the hospital (unrelated, I think, though the British Car Gods work in mysterious ways) I was able to do some work on the car today. I got the cheapie front carpets in (they aren’t the best fitting set I’ve ever seen) and I got my $10 ebay headliner in as well (which I may redo as I cut it a bit short in one spot, fortunately hidden by the sunvisor.

New headliner

The next step is the wheel arch carpets, which are going to be a real bear, and the seats, which will probably be similar.


  1. Kevin Teabag

    Couldn’t wait for Obamacare, huh? Glad you’re OK. Cheapie carpets look pretty good from here. Nothing freshens an interior like new rugs.

  2. Ray

    I recently purchased a 71 Rover 2000 TC which needs carpets. Where did you purchase yours? Are they good quality? Are they custom fit for the Rover?

    Any info will be appreciated.



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