A Mostly British Obsession


1967 MGB GT

I decided to live life on the wild side and painted the wheels a maroon color that matches the seats rather than the staid silver the majority thinks they should be. (The photo is pretty horrible–please excuse–but I’m shoehorned into a corner of the shop while Jim is working on his Italia 2 project.) Got the drums painted as well. The wheel color “in real life” is closer to the color you see on the front wheel in this shot.


  1. chuck goolsbee

    whoo hoo!

    Love ’em!

  2. Allie

    Yay! That car looks pretty happy to me. I’m sure it prefers the red wheels.

  3. brent

    Planning on showing at the ABFM with red or silver wires? I’m guessing you painted your wires with the nicer tires, so that means you’re showing it with the red wires?

  4. Roger

    The red is all I have for the time being. If I get some extra cabbage this summer I’d like to spring for a set of 15″ chrome wires from an MGC as the alternate wheels, but I’m pleased with the maroon so far. Got to be better than another set of minilites, eh?

  5. Kevin Teabag

    Not my cuppa tea, but enjoy your “gypsy wagon red” wire wheels. I’ll be over to get my plam read, but I’ll wait for a full moon and a good Lon Chaney movie on the tube.


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