A Mostly British Obsession

On the Road Again

1967 MGB GT

Update: I went to the regular first Saturday South Whidbey Sports Car meeting, on time for once…and everyone else was late, no joke (see photo). I had to run before anyone else arrived as I was headed to the vintage races at Pacific Raceways. This has taught me a valuable lesson about timeliness: don’t bother!

1967 MGB GT

This really is a pretty decent driving car, way wacky-reading speedometer aside. Taking it out for its first post-paint-job drive today. (I’m calling the concept of red wheels on an MGB a “Kevin” for reasons I’ll keep close to my vest.)

1967 MGB GT


  1. Kevin Teabag

    I’m sooo humiliated. I don’t think I can go on like this.

  2. vincent

    Congratulations : the car is great with the red wheels /interior ! I am about to live the same story with a MG TC in black with green trim and wheels !

  3. automobiliac

    LOVE the red wheels! Glad you ignored the naysayers and the bluenoses.

  4. jeremy!

    looks great!

    congrats on the rebuild.


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