A Mostly British Obsession

Engine Back Where it Belongs

[flickr id=”5887196628″ thumbnail=”original” overlay=”false” size=”original” group=”” align=”none”]The engine is back in the GT as of this evening, which feels like progress. I’m also going to have to replace the exhaust system (alas), as the downpipe will not give up its exhaust donuts, or what remains of them, anyway. Budget is super-tight, so this is unwelcome, if not unexpected. I’ll probably buy one of the “cheap” stainless systems offered by Moss resellers. If I get it from Northwest Import it will be here Friday (I think).
[flickr id=”5886630045″ thumbnail=”original” overlay=”false” size=”original” group=”” align=”none”]I painted the engine with the appropriate color, though it will be amusing to see how long any of my painting lasts. I prepped as well as I could–but expect I wasn’t clinical enough!
[flickr id=”5887196702″ thumbnail=”original” overlay=”false” size=”original” group=”” align=”none”]Sometimes engines and transmissions slide right together, and sometimes they fight no matter how carefully you align the clutch driven plate. This one fought, big time, but I swore enough to frighten it into place. (Our neighbors must think I’m a madman–and they’re right, of course.)
[flickr id=”5887196580″ thumbnail=”original” overlay=”false” size=”original” group=”” align=”none”]I should have chained this up a bit closer to level, but I was ready to go and it didn’t make a big difference in “ease” at the end of the evening. Two people is easier for an activity like this, but one is fine if you take your time and check everything as you go.
[flickr id=”5887196738″ thumbnail=”original” overlay=”false” size=”original” group=”” align=”none”]I ended up using the original distributor, which is in good shape except for the appearance of the vacuum advance unit, which will probably stay just like this, frankly. That is the original coil, date-stamped October of 1966.

The gearbox rear mount is an amusing monkey-puzzle on GTs. There are half dozen pieces, all with several fasteners, and I found it wouldn’t all go together unless you left some half-tightened and others off until the Magical Combination was achieved.

Nearly everything (exhaust aside) is buttoned-up below the car, with the exception of the wire from the firewall to the overdrive cut-out switch. Had I been smart, I would have put this on before raising the transmission into place…but I think I can juuuust reach it. We’ll see.

Update: I ordered a Tourist Trophy system from Moss for $270, which isn’t peanuts, but much better than I was expecting. Won’t be here until next week, I’d imagine.


  1. Allie

    Does the engine match the wheels? :)

  2. Roger

    Actually, funnily enough, the engine matches the wheels and interior. It’s a very fashion-conscious car.

  3. Ben E

    The Tourist Trophy system is supposed to fit very well from the reviews, however, some people find it a bit noisy. The system uses 3-bolt flange gaskets where it mates to the exhaust manifold in lieu of the ‘doughnuts’, however, Moss seem to forget to include those gaskets more often than not…mine were missing. Kelvin Dodd will shoot you a pair if they are missing, but it could ruin your day if you were hoping to get it mounted over a weekend, so check right away.


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