A Mostly British Obsession

Category: Current Liabilities (Page 1 of 18)

The current lineup of mouldering hulks

Wee Car

Once again, sorry for the long interval between posts…I’m still trying to get the E-Type back to its owner in one piece and then I’ll be working on this machine, the latest orphan to find its way into this cavern of unfinished projects. It’s a 1931 Austin Seven Box Saloon, type “RN”. It’s had a lot of work done on it and is in generally OK condition but there is plenty to be done before the locals can be terrorized by zooming by at 35mph.

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2006 Buell Ulysses

There is yet another motorcycle in the shop, this one made in USA and based around a Harley sportster 1200cc motor. I’ve been wanting to try an “adventure” bike (Triumph Tiger, etc) for awhile and my pal Ted let me know his Ulysses was going cheap, so, having no self-control, I bought it from him.

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Clutch Woes on BSA

I think another consequence of my “benign neglect” of the BSA has surfaced: The clutch started slipping, just as I was headed out on the first real ride in years on it. You can see by the photo above that I dismantled the primary case to investigate.

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Time to knock the rust out of the BSA tank…again. Third time in 20 years, at irregular intervals. The lining has failed again, and I don’t think I’m going to bother re-lining it this time. Just get the rust out and try to ride it and keep the tank full. Apologies about being able to see your non-influencer-looking author in the reflection!

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Getting the BSA Running Again

I haven’t ridden the A10 BSA in a few years…I got fed up with the difficult “warm start” situation so just let it sulk in the corner instead. Now I’m paying the price, as the tank is filled with stale gas and the carb was completely gummed up. As a consequence, I have the tank off to drain the crud and have the carb off to give it a clean. I will probably do a few other maintenance items, like an oil change and brake adjustment, while I’m at it.

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Discovery Update

Not much to report. I’ve put about 16,500 miles on the Disco since picking it up, and it has been a pretty good car. As you can see by the (crappy-taken-at-twilight) photo, it doesn’t get washed all that often, alas.

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GS550 Clean Up

Tried the same damp rag on the Suzuki with less effect, but that’s to be expected, it’s twoscore years older than the R6 and undoubtedly has had a fair bit more sitting around in sketchy conditions in its life.

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