A Mostly British Obsession

Category: 1955 Morgan +4 (Page 1 of 9)

2020 So Far: Inactivity Merit Badge Achieved

So…I rescued a dog in February, a border collie (mix, I think) named Brodie. Since then, I have essentially spent most of my time hanging with him, and absolutely none out in the shoppe doing anything useful on any of the vehicles! But I have washed nearly everything with wheels on it in the last month, so here’s some shots of the stable being hosed down, with the help of the pupper.

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This issue seems to follow me around, that is, the front sheet metal of my cars invariably is pretty wonky. Case in point is the Morgan, where the fenders are quite different from each other. I’m not sure, given my “talents”, whether I’ll be able to unwonkify it.

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Trying to Undo the Damage

If I can help it, I will never out-source any car repair or restoration work ever again. Apparently, in this new Nazi age, caring about the work you do is a thing of the past, and we should all be grifters. A fine example of this is the work done on my front fender.

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Leather Assessment

I made new backing panels for the ’55 Morgan +4 doors and quarter panels from 1/8″ ABS plastic sheet, and those turned out well. However, having then poked them inside the existing leather trim, I’m having a bit of an existential crisis about the interior.

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I Made a Color Thingy

Sea Green
Grass Green
Olive Green
Brilliant Green
Light Bronze Green
Light Brunswick Green
Emerald Green
Bold Green
Opaline Green
Light Olive Green
Verdigris Green
Forest Green
Spruce Green

The gadget seems to work…but the darker colors look more like anodized metal than enamel paint. (I kind of suck at colorizing anyway, but at least in photoshop you have fine control; here, using CSS and HTML…not so much.) Some not-all-that-exciting details below the more link, if you want them.

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Color Me Green

The photo at the top is the one bit of original color I found on the ’55 Morgan, on the dash support. (The original color is the lower, lighter shade.) Below are some explorations of similar colors plucked from various period British color standards, as that is probably where this color came from. Read onwards for some bad Photoshops.

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