A Mostly British Obsession

Category: 2003 Land Rover Disco SE7

Discovery Update

Not much to report. I’ve put about 16,500 miles on the Disco since picking it up, and it has been a pretty good car. As you can see by the (crappy-taken-at-twilight) photo, it doesn’t get washed all that often, alas.

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2020 So Far: Inactivity Merit Badge Achieved

So…I rescued a dog in February, a border collie (mix, I think) named Brodie. Since then, I have essentially spent most of my time hanging with him, and absolutely none out in the shoppe doing anything useful on any of the vehicles! But I have washed nearly everything with wheels on it in the last month, so here’s some shots of the stable being hosed down, with the help of the pupper.

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3-D Printing for Neither Fun nor Profit

I decided to model the broken sunroof drain in Fusion360, and then print it on my Prusa printer. Surely this would be a “quick” and “easy” alternative to spending big bux? It worked out in the end, but the process was really rather frustrating: Fusion is difficult for complex shapes (for amateurs like me), and 3-D printing still seems much more an art than a science.

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Inside Rain

The disco leaks when it rains, as I discovered today, so I thought I’d drop the headliner out to see what the source was. I had a pretty good idea it would be the sunroof, and I was right. I wanted to re-do the headliner anyway, so I’ll order the material today. I think I’ll just go with the original gray, not a fan of black headliners.

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Roof Repair at the Disco

So I did a quickie repair to the roof of the Discovery, and it looks…ok, actually. It’s really hard to notice unless you know where it was, and even then it’s hard to spot. I suspect from directly overhead that might be a different story, but I’ve been up on a ladder and it’s fine.

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