A Mostly British Obsession

Category: ’95 Daytona 900

Big and red, a great bike

Fame in Print

I once picked up a Rider magazine only to find myself inside of it! I was riding over to Ballard one day and remember thinking “why is this guy photographing me?”


The article was on riding in downtown Seattle, I think. This must have been in about 1998.

Red, Fast, Heavy & Loud

1995 Triumph Daytona 900

I loved this bike! It was the first sport bike I ever sat on that seemed to fit…most are designed for 5’6″ guys who weigh 125 lbs. The Triumph was definitely not for them, shorter friends had a hard time even getting their feet to the ground. Moreover, it was top-heavy, especially with a full tank of gas, and it was very hefty for a sport bike, 500 lbs all-up.

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